Redlands Coast Regional Sport & Recreation Precinct

MODE’s Landscape Architects worked with Aurecon, SportENG and Dirtz Track to develop the Concept Design for the Redlands Coast Regional Sport and Recreation Precinct.
Client: Redlands Coast Council
Location: Mt Cotton, QLD
The massive 101 hectare site includes 47 hectares dedicated to sport and recreation.
The precinct will offer a place for community - a place for the coming together of locals, sporting groups, teams, friends and families. A place where health and recreation are at the forefront of mind. The precinct also offers refuge for wildlife, the Concept Design preserves and enhances local ecological systems and offers a place for fauna to nest and feed.
The road and traffic design aims to protect both people and fauna and offer the fauna connectivity with surrounding habitat.
It is the interplay between humanity and nature which is core to the precinct and the Concept Design we present.
In summary, the precinct aims to:
Relieve pressures at existing facilities within the City
Provide a high-quality multi- sports facility that offers a range of opportunities for locals and visiting teams
Accommodate for growth in various sports and active recreation programs
Provide a facility that can be used daily for training and competition but also host larger sporting events and carnivals
Promote and enhance the natural environment, rehabilitate key environmental features and retain the conservation area