USC Entry Statement

MODE were engaged to provide master planning advice and designs to assist in improving connectivity, circulation and amenity to the campus grounds at the University of the Sunshine Coast. This included the project management of
sub-consultants and engagement
with primary consultants, Opus.
Client: University of the Sunshine Coast
Location: Sunshine Coast, QLD
Master Planning for the landscape entry included strengthening the “sense of entry” and identity of the university by building on the character of the renowned natural environmental setting of the campus. Further to this, it sought to meet the university’s desire for ecological connectivity with the surrounding regional ecology; we created connected canopies, shrub layers, fauna underpasses, elevated bridges for possums and gliders, nesting sites and food sources for various fauna who inhabit or move through the university landscape. This included consideration for the Gilgai Wetlands and detention ponds that treat and polish storm water runoff, while also providing necessary habitat for local Wallum Froglets and other amphibians, reptiles, mammals and migrating birds. Additionally, the designs created an accessible environment for use as a live classroom, including amenities such as pathways, bridges, shade structures and seating. This incorporated pedestrian, vehicular and cycle circulation and parking movements around the entry to enhance the arrival experience.