Sparkes Street
This project seeks to achieve design excellence that supports the development outcomes outlined in the local neighbourhood plan.
Client: Pingrishang Estate Australia Pty Ltd
Location: Chermside, QLD
The project adopted a double tower and podium form to reduce the visual impact and re-proportion the built form that is appropriate to its location. The design response celebrates sub-tropical living with an emphasis on outdoor living by incorporating planting and landscaping to the podium terrace and roof top.
The building footprint has been pinched at the east and west facades. This assists with maintaining sightlines, reducing overlooking across buildings, whilst also giving the building form a slender appearance. A deep recess in the Sparkes Street podium façade will make way for a significant feature tree and landscape zone that will soften and create a recognisable address for the development. Located each side of this will be commercial tenancies on ground levels, with building entry spaces prominent in the street frontage with car parking screened from view. This will provide an interesting and active street front.
Rising from this floor will be strong focal columns with cascading landscaping that transitions the use from public commercial tenancies to private residences. Environmental Sustainable Design principles are considered with each apartment enjoying a dual aspect configuration giving opportunities for cross ventilation for day-time and night-time living.
The façade of the building has been designed to achieve a visual reduction in building bulk and scale. Cantilevered corner balconies reduce the building mass and incorporate screening elements where appropriate for privacy as well as garden planters for vertical amenity. Emphasis is placed on clear unobstructed city views to the south and screening devices to the north and west for privacy from existing neighbouring buildings.