Cleveland Youth Detention Centre

The expansion of Cleveland Youth Detention Centre (CYDC) provides additional bed capacity and support infrastructure to meet the new youth justice operational philosophy of the Department of Justice and Attorney General (DJAG).
Client: Queensland Department of Communities
Location: Townsville, QLD
The facility remained operational during the expansion and the ongoing safety and security of the detainees, staff, visitors and construction personnel was a crucial consideration. Renovation and expansion of existing buildings was completed to meet DJAG’s operational requirements and the facility’s capacity has been expanded from 48 to 104 beds, including provision for an additional accommodation wing. Located in a low lying area of Townsville, the facility is at risk of inundation from the surrounding tidal waterways. Extensive flood assessment and flood mitigation requirements informed the response to the site, including layout, infrastructure, storm water retention, flood gates and provisions for self sufficiency should the facility become isolated.