MODE Design Corp

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COVID-19 Update - Coordinating, Connecting and Adjusting

APRIL 2020

It has now been one week since we increased the number of MODE studios from 10 to 138, with all our teams now working from home. The working from home environment we are all now experiencing is a new development for MODE, and not one we had anticipated to be rolled out to all our teams in such a short period of time. But as we expected, our teams have demonstrated an incredible level of resilience, adaptability and collaboration.

We could not have achieved this move without the help of our hardworking Executive Leadership and Operations teams. It has been a busy few weeks for them, and they have successfully navigated the many issues faced to ensure all our teams can work effectively from home. Having our teams all rally together to ensure our studios are set up and ready to go every day is a moment we can all be proud of.

The ‘new normal’ has our teams participating in scheduled connection chats to not only discuss the projects they are working on but to also check in with their mental health, giving them a newfound connection to their team. This opportunity to connect on a virtual level and share knowledge has them finding new ways to be collaborative, while also allowing people some individual thinking time. This has shown us a way to make the most of the potential in our teams.

We would be lying if we said this wasn’t an adjustment period for MODE but the COVID-19 pandemic means this is the ‘new normal’. And if week 1 of the ‘new normal’ is anything to go by, MODE is up to the challenge!